Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 6: Lori Loughlin dilemma

Tonight, Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 episode 6 brought us another dilemma, and it was one with Lori Loughlin at the center.
After all, consider this: Larry David actually brought the controversial Full House star on for an episode that was about his golf club. Or, the idea that Loughlin wanted in but was having trouble due to some of the college admission scandal headlines. Larry volunteered to recommend her, feeling like she deserved the opportunity. This led to him giving an impassioned speech trying to get her on board and in the end, it actually seemed to work … at least under one condition. She still had complete a successful round of golf.
Here is where some of the ridiculousness started to pour in, as it was revealed over time that Loughlin was finding a way to get advantages on a lot of other things, whether it be on the green or when it comes to getting a better parking space. Loughlin’s advantages threw him into somewhat of a quagmire — can he really continue to rake in the benefits? Or, is this a situation where his curiosity will get the best of him? (As it turns out, she paid to get an earlier tee time, as well.)
Obviously, Larry realized that he could only take so much of this, and eventually started to spiral when he realized that Lori was somehow getting great golf scores when it didn’t appear she could … or should. It didn’t end necessarily with a big freakout, but it still feels like one is coming. His sentiment towards her began to change as the episode went on.
We will at least say this: Loughlin’s casting continues a trend where this show will do everything that it can in order to draw some laughs and surprises. She did a good job in here of sending up herself, and being able to make fun of what many people have thought about her the past few years.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on the next Curb Your Enthusiasm
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