American Horror Story: Delicate episode 6: ‘Opening Night’

Isn’t it nice to know that American Horror Story: Delicate episode 6 is poised to air in less than a month over on FX?
Obviously, it is worth noting that we have been waiting a really long time to see the show back on the air, and we’d love nothing more than to actually understand what is coming up next. If there is one thing that is quite unfortunate, though, it is how long the network is waiting to hand a lot of other details out.
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Here is what we can currently say. Per some of the information that we’ve seen at present, the title for the episode is “Opening Night” — a pretty clear reference to something that is poised to transpire with these characters. What is it? That’s what we have to take somewhat of a wait-and-see approach on, but we do think that in due time, more will be made clear.
What we can remind you of here is that “Opening Night” is certainly a name with some serious show-business vibes to it, and the last time we saw Delicate, we saw Anna (Emma Roberts) in a position where her main Oscar contender was mysteriously killed off. Did her manager Siobhan (Kim Kardashian) have something to do with it? This certainly feels like a question that the show was happy to raise, especially since we know at this point that a lot of people around Anna are engaging in some level of witchcraft. There has to be something to that, right?
If nothing else, we know this: There is potential for us to see a lot of crazy twists and turns as the show moves forward. The best thing we can really do is be prepared for it.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.