Big Brother 26 casting begins — what does it mean?

If any of you out there are hoping to be a part of Big Brother 26 in the future, we do have good news! Some casting calls are starting to kick off and with that, of course, comes opportunities to be a part of the next season … or, does it? Let’s just say that this situation is a little bit complicated.
If you head over to the official Twitter for host Julie Chen Moonves, you can see that there are some casting calls starting off for the next edition of the show. This is a lengthy process that involves finding some great people, vetting them, and then also seeing if they mesh well with whatever other plans the folks at CBS have. Casting processes do change and evolve over time, but it is always important to note that CBS has final say on just about everything when it comes to the cast of a show like this.
So, does the presence of casting calls signal at all that the series is moving away from newbies for the next season? Not at all! This is just something that is a routine process of making a show like this happen and for the time being, we wouldn’t read all that much more into it. They can go through a long casting and then decide to bring back returnees instead. Also, it is fairly common for people who are a part of the show this year end up being cast for future seasons later on.
The most important thing to note is that season 26 should happen at some point this summer, and that is not something that you have to worry about. Instead, just think more in terms of what’s going on when it comes to the twists.
Related – Have you read some of our recent updates when it comes to Big Brother Canada yet?
What are you most interested in seeing as a part of Big Brother 26?
Do you want returning players, or just another season of newbies? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for more.