Shogun season 2: Is a renewal possible at FX, Hulu?

Following the incredible success of Shogun season 1 on Hulu, we don’t think it is that crazy to consider a season 2. As for whether or not that will actually happen, that does remain to be seen.
For the time being, here is what we can say: The first handful of episodes have been enormously successful. Just on the basis of that alone, it would be easy to think that another season could be ordered. Yet, at the same time this show was originally announced as a limited series! That isn’t something that you can just ignore and beyond that, it is based on source material that has a clearly defined beginning, middle, and end.
With all of this in mind, it is fair to imagine that a season 2 would have a real creative challenge … but you also can’t rule it out entirely. Based on what executive producer Justin Marks told The Hollywood Reporter, it doesn’t seem like he is looking past the first season for now:
We took the story to the end of the book and put a period at the end of that sentence. We love how the book ends; it was one of the reasons why we both knew we wanted to do it — and we ended in exactly that place. And I’ve been party to this in the past with shows like this, where you build a whole factory, and it only pumps out 10 cars and closes up shop. It’s a bummer. You know, one of our producers wrote a nearly 900-page instruction manual for how we do this show — almost as long as the book Shogun itself. All of this infrastructural knowledge went into it. I just hope someone else — maybe a friend — needs a production primer on feudal Japan at some point, so I can be like, “Here you go, use this book. That will save you 11 months.”
While the appeal of more storytelling from this era will almost certainly be there, admittedly there is also still something quite nice about a show that really knows the best time to say goodbye. There are, after all, a handful of other series out there that have unnecessary renewals when they were better off being limited series.
Related – Get more news on Shogun now, including what else will be coming up next
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