Big Brother Canada 12: Are there live feeds?

Big Brother Canada season 11 logo
Photo: Global

Given that we’re watching the Big Brother Canada 12 premiere tonight, it feels fairs to discuss the live feeds … or lack thereof? Are we going to be seeing them this season?

Well, we don’t think that there’s any real reason to string you along. There are no live feeds planned for the season, as Global seems instead to be more than fine continuing their history of providing “Digital Dailies” — small updates that you can use in order to get a sense of what’s going on in the house.

Are these better than nothing? Sure, but we have still made our feelings clear about them already. Effectively, we view them as something that doesn’t reflect the actual idea of the show, which is to show interactions as they are happening and actually get immersed into the world. The Dailies are curated, which means that they can be edited or changed around however the producers feel fit.

The reason why this is happening for the Canadian version of the show seems to be two-fold. For starters, this keeps the show clear from any controversies that could happen in real-time, which we do think matters to them when they have so many sponsors. It also eliminates the cost of continuously live streaming and managing feeds all season.

Arisa Cox did say during the premiere that we will be seeing more extensive Dailies this season, ones that are longer and “juicier.” We do believe Arisa, but we also just want to watch some of the actual Dailies when they arrive to get a better sense of them.

Honestly, we’ll forever miss the feeds — the game can still be fun and yet, in the end, this is not the same sort of show that we watched for the first decade. That’s the reality of the situation.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother Canada, including the All-Stars taking part

What do you think about the lack of live feeds for Big Brother Canada 12?

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