Young Sheldon season 7 spoilers: Tam is returning!

Given that Young Sheldon season 7 is set to be the final one, it makes sense for there to be all sorts of callbacks all across the board.
For the sake of this particular piece, though, why not talk Tam? After all, this is a character who inhabits a rather interesting place across the entire lore of the series. Remember for a moment here that he was originally created as a childhood friend for Sheldon, only to then appear in the present-day on The Big Bang Theory. He is also someone who Sheldon felt betrayed by, given that he did not move out to California with him, leading to him feeling lonely for many years.
Speaking to TVLine, executive producer Steve Holland does confirm that you will see Tam again, something that does come as a tremendous cause for celebration. It’s been a few years now since he was around, and we want Young Sheldon to celebrate itself within this final chapter just as much as the show that came on the air after the fact. It does deserve that opportunity, and it is certainly our hope that there are going to be a lot of fun moments throughout.
For the time being, let’s just cross our fingers and hope that there are a few more callbacks announced in due time — and personally, we also wouldn’t mind a flash-forward to the older version of Sheldon who is actually telling this story. Could Jim Parsons appear on-screen for that? We’d certainly be happy about it, and bonus points if you got Mayim Bialik to turn up, as well. This would give the show an even more full-circle feel to explain how that Sheldon is different from the one we met in the original sitcom.
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What do you most want to see from Tam within his Young Sheldon season 7 return?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.