Ghosts season 3: Where is Flower, Sheila Carrasco?

If you are watching tonight’s Ghosts season 3 episode, there’s a chance you may be asking the following: Where is Flower? Is there a chance that Sheila Carrasco is gone from the show for good?
Well, just like you would imagine, a lot of the uncertainty at this point is by design. What we can say, at least for now, is that the ghost was seemingly “sucked off” (to use the show’s terminology) leading into the start of the season. Does this mean that this is truly the case? Not necessarily. There’s a chance that we could still see her pop up in some capacity down the road and given how the show does tend to play around with its own rules, we do tend to think it would be rather foolish to write out anything completely.
This twist within the story may also be coming about simply due to logistics. Carrasco recently had a baby and by virtue of that, would need time off the show for maternity leave. This exit could coincide with some of that, and there could be a chance to reintroduce her later. Would it be as Flower? More than likely but if the writers really wanted to get crazy, she could play a totally new character, as well.
For the time being, we just have this gut feeling that we have not reached the end of this story as of yet and that in due time, there will be something more to tell here. Our feeling is that for Thor and the other ghosts, a possible Flower return would happen right when they least expected it. That’s at least the most fun of the various possibilities.
Obviously, we’ll keep watching all season as we wait and see what happens…
Related – Read more on why this particular Ghosts exit happened in the first place
Are you hoping that we see Sheila Carrasco back as Flower on Ghosts in the near future?
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