True Detective season 5: Would Kali Reis return as Navarro?

At the time of this writing, we are well-aware of the fact that there is no True Detective season 5 over at HBO. However, at the same time we absolutely want more from this franchise! Given its massive success so far it feels fair to assume that there are more cases coming.
So with this in mind, could the series break tradition and bring a cast member like Kali Reis back? While there were certainly season 1 Easter eggs aplenty throughout season 4, there was never a returning cast member. The closest that we got was the spirit of Rust Cohle’s father Travis, who was at least referenced in stories down in Louisiana.
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While we still aren’t ruling out some sort of crossover season for the franchise down the road, we don’t think it is coming anytime soon. Speaking to TV Insider, Reis certainly feels like Evangeline Navarro wouldn’t be a part of it:
“Navarro has gone through the ringer, man, leave that woman alone … I think [the story] was meant to be what it is … I mean, you could go off and explore each character. You can explore who they were before all this s**t hit the fan, so to speak. You can explore way back. You can explore [the far] future. But I think you can’t have Danvers (Jodie Foster) and Navarro solving a case without them hating each other.”
We know that there are some interpretations out there that Navarro is actually dead, and that could be the case. Personally, we do think that she is out there in the world, finding a greater sense of peace. We would rather just see a future season maybe reference some events in Alaska and have that, by and large, be it.
Do you want to see a True Detective season 5 at HBO at some point down the road?
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