The Way Home season 2 episode 5 spoilers: Founder’s Day

Next week on Hallmark Channel you’re going to have a chance to see The Way Home season 2 episode 5 — so what’s the focal point?
Without further ado, let’s just go ahead and say this: There is nothing that shows like this do better than establishing communities. You see these events like Founder’s Day that you don’t really get in a lot of shows, and they are reminders of just how tight-knit some of these towns can be. Of course, they are also hotbeds for drama here and there. Isn’t that always going to be what happens on a show when you have all of these characters in the same place?
For a few more specifics on what is ahead, go ahead and check out The Way Home season 2 episode 5 synopsis below:
Founder’s Day in Port Haven brings up memories for Del, Alice and Elliot; Kat finds herself caught between two worlds in her search for answers.
This is obviously going to be a really tough spot for Kat to be in, and it is hardly a surprise that she finds herself here now. For most of the season so far, we’ve seen this character trying to balance out both being in the past as well as the present. It can be hard enough to live just one life. Trying to live two? Well, that can be impossible.
At the end of this episode, we are going to find ourselves at the halfway point of the season and by virtue of that, there are inevitably going to be all sorts of questions about where things will go moving into the home stretch. In a way, you could argue that we have reached a valuable turning point in the story — how else are we meant to see it?
Related – Check out more news on The Way Home now, including the chances of a season 3
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