Why did Sheila Carrasco leave Ghosts, Flower during season 3?

Why did Sheila Carrasco leave Ghosts on CBS — or, is she actually even gone at all? Let’s just say that the episode tonight opened the door to all sorts of questions across the board.
First and foremost, what we should go ahead and say is quite simple: For the time being, the Flower character is missing in action. It doesn’t mean that she is gone forever, but we do have to take things as we see them. She may have been “sucked off,” but it’s also possible she just got lost somewhere. Or, within the way in which this show works, someone could conceivably be brought back in some form (and not just as an owl).
So why put Carrasco at the center of this twist? Well, it seems like some of it was circumstantial in nature. Speaking to TVLine, the timing of the actress’ real-life pregnancy (she welcomed a baby last November) made the timing work to have her be involved in this particular story:
Well, it was a long discussion. Full disclosure, when we did the cliffhanger at the end of Season 2, we didn’t know [who it’d be that left]. We had leading candidates, and we had sort of like a favorite, what we thought it was going to be. But we sort of had a situation where someone was not going to be available for a little while, and so, we decided should we use that to our advantage, and does it sort of, like, link up with the story? We began talking about it, we began talking down several paths, but ultimately decided that we’d make [the best] out of the situation.
Now, there is nothing about this statement that makes us think that Flower is gone forever. Maybe you could argue that it cheapens the twist if she finds a way to return; yet, at the same time, isn’t the full lineup of ghosts a big part of the reason why this show is so much fun? There is still a lot to go even in this shortened season, so we will see where parts of the story take us.
Related – Get more news entering the next Ghosts episode
What did you think about the apparent exit of Flower during the Ghosts season 3 premiere?
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