Feud: Capote vs. the Swans episode 4: Diane Lane on Slim, Bill

Coming out of Feud: Capote vs. the Swans episode 4 on FX, it feels clear there is a lot to discuss. What is a top story? Well, think in terms of the big reveal regarding Slim Keith and Bill Paley’s relationship — while Bill’s wife Babe was terminally ill. This was presented in an extremely complicated and difficult way, one where you can easily feel like Slim is hypothetical for calling out Truman’s sins while committing her own. However, at the same time Slim and Bill both are people grieving a loss, and them sharing an intimate relationship through that is actually rather common in society.
In the end, this relationship is something we are clearly meant to discuss — hence, why it was a cornerstone of the episode.
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So what does Diane Lane, who plays Slim on the show, think about that dynamic — and then also how her character compartmentalizes it all? Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, here is just some of what she had to say:
When you’ve been a close friend with someone and you’re like a family at this point, because you share family events and secrets and successes and failures — all the things that friendships buoy you through. When somebody’s stricken with bad health, the whole village gets together in a way to support the ones who need supporting. The caregivers need help, too, right?. It might be notoriously common among that generation of CEOs, those rich white men. He was voracious and had to stay moving. Sitting in one place and having an emotion is something that we get to witness as a daily experience.
But Bill is thunderstruck and beside himself. His journey is intense and beautiful, because we get it through Treat Williams’ artistry and compassion for a person. These people become icons, historically. It’s like looking at a statue — I look at a statue and I think about that person’s family who knew them really well. And who would be laughing right now that they have a statue? These people were human, and they were flawed like all of us, and in their own ways. What we’re dealing with here is a kind of freedom of perspective and a challenge to the audience to fathom what these people were thinking.
Lane and the late, great Williams do play these scenes brilliantly, and that is not an easy thing to do. While you may not approve of some of what their characters within the show did, you have to at least understand why — they delivered that in a way that was true to what we have seen on the story so far.
Related – Go ahead and get some other updates now regarding Feud: Capote vs. the Swans episode 5
What do you think about the overall events of Feud: Capote vs. the Swans episode 4, especially with Slim and Bill?
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This article was written by Jessica Bunbun.