The Rookie season 6 spoilers: A happy 100th episode ahead?

For everyone out there who has not heard as of yet, the 100th episode of The Rookie is coming in a matter of weeks. With that, what’s going to make this particular story stand out? Let’s just say there is quite a bit to be excited about in advance!
If you are looking for a good place to start here, let’s just kick things off here by noting that it seems like Nolan and Bailey’s wedding is going to be at the center of this particular story, and that does feel like an excellent jumping-off point to everything after the fact! We’re of the opinion that the show may be gearing up to do some really fun stuff with this and celebrate both the past as well as the present.
Could there be drama? Absolutely, as this is The Rookie that you are talking about here! However, it does not appear as though bringing this to the table is the primary motivation for anyone involved at this point. For more on that, just take a look at what executive producer Alexi Hawley had to say in a discussion per TVLine:
“It was really important to us to do an episode that felt joyful and celebrated our characters … We’ve done weddings before on the show — some which have gone horribly wrong — so I thought it was important to tell what was a really fun story, for the most part.”
Based on that tiny tease at the end, you can probably expect at least some sort of drama and that nothing is necessarily going to be hunky-dory from start to finish. Of course, does it really need to be in order for this show to be great? We don’t think so! What matters more is just that every character gets their own moment to shine.
Related – Get more news now on the first episode of The Rookie season 6
What do you most want to see moving into the 100th episode of The Rookie on ABC?
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