Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 6 (finale): The fugitive

Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4
Photo: PBS

Next week on PBS you are going to have a chance to see Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 6 — want to know a little more?

Well, for starters, let’s begin by just noting where things stand, and also the fact that the finale is right around the corner! This means that in due time, we are going to have a chance to see some pretty significant surprises, and hopefully a little more when it comes to Eliza and the Duke’s future in general. We know that the show has already left off on a pretty unusual note when it comes to their relationship already.

Without further ado now, let’s go ahead and share the full Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 6 synopsis below — just to give you a better sense of the drama that’s ahead:

Eliza is on the trail of a fugitive who is charged with murder. She must find him before the police do or risk losing everything.

Is this going to be the final of the series overall?

Well, let’s just go ahead and say that everything remains up in the air at present. However, we do remain rather hopeful! This is one of those shows that does have a dedicated audience, and we do think that there are going to be plenty of people out there who are eager to see where things go from here for some of the main characters. Fingers crossed, we’ll get an announcement either prior to the finale or at some point close to it, mostly for the sake of putting us out of our misery.

For the time being, the best thing that we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best!

Related Get some more news on Miss Scarlet and the Duke, including some of what is happening with their relationship

What do you most want to see entering Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 6 next week?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are some more updates on the way.

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