9-1-1 season 7 promo: More on the cruise ship disaster

Now that we are getting closer to the premiere of 9-1-1 season 7 next month, ABC is ever so slightly lifting the veil. After all, why wouldn’t they be? Given that the show is moving over from Fox, they may need to do a little more when it comes to the heavy lifting here to raise awareness and get some more people to watch.
While the latest preview for the first responder drama does not necessarily give a ton away, we do get some more reminders in here as to how they are selling it and beyond that, the sort of stuff that matters the most.
If you head over to the link here right now, you can get a much better sense of all of this! You get a glimpse of many of the main characters and beyond that, some of the central disasters that are really going to define a lot of this season. We know that at the core of a lot of things at the moment here is the cruise-ship disaster, which is going to be front and center for at least part of the premiere and could easily carry over into episode 2. There is even a chance that Bobby and Athena are on it based on how the sixth season ended!
Just from what we’re seeing in this preview alone, many of your favorite characters are going to be back. Given that this is a particularly expensive show, we are worried that eventually, we are going to get to a point where a few people start to be written out; however, we have not made it to that point as of yet. We’re going to try to at least get back into the rhythm of watching the show without worrying too much about the future of any one person … though that could be hard given that there is almost always danger here!
What do you most want to see moving into 9-1-1 season 7 over on ABC?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.