True Detective: Night Country episode 4: Is there a disease?

True Detective: Night Country (season 4)
Photo: HBO

As we prepare to see True Detective: Night Country episode 4 on HBO this weekend, we absolutely know there’s a chance for answers. Do we think that we’ll get all of them? Absolutely not, but at the very least we’d be happy to take at least a few steps in the right direction.

Of course, one of the biggest mysteries at the heart of this story right now is the simple one tied to what happened at the Tsalal Research Station, and what caused those scientists to die in the unusual way that they did. Were they all tricked by Raymond Clark, or lured out to the cold for a nefarious purpose? Or, is what happened to them the direct result of their own science?

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One of the more interesting theories that is floating around out there with the show at present is the one that the scientists may have uncovered a bacteria or something else at the research station that has spread throughout the facility and caused some element of chaos or disease. We understand the idea behind this, mostly because you can easy look at what happened here and attribute it to some sort of act of madness. After all, doesn’t this make as much sense than almost anything else at the moment?

If there is a big issue we have with the idea, though, it is simply the notion here that so much of this imagery all season long as been some sort of red herring. Also, why would Clark be showing a lot of symptoms and then no one else? We’ve seen nothing that suggests that he would be more infected than anyone else.

Yet, the reason for all of this speculation at the moment feels very much warranted, mostly due to the fact here that a lot of this season so far seems to be about the idea of explaining things that are pretty darn hard to decipher.

Related True Detective: Night Country EP talks season 1 ties

Do you think that there’s a chance to see a disease on True Detective: Night Country episode 4?

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