Big Brother Canada 12 premiere date revealed at Global

Big Brother Canada season 11 logo
Photo: Global

If you have found yourselves eager and desperately seeking out some news on a Big Brother Canada 12 premiere date at Global, we’ve got more to share today!

Hours ago, the show’s official network confirmed that on Tuesday, March 5, the latest batch of episodes is going to premiere. However, there has not been a lot said beyond that.

So what are the incentives to getting another season of the show? Well, the most positive one is the opportunity to simply getting more gameplay and interesting players. We do tend to think that the casting and competition design for the show is especially good and has been from the beginning.

On the flip side, we are absolutely well-aware of some of the significant flaws that exist here, with the biggest one being the oh-so-simple fact that the lack of live feeds last season absolutely altered the feel of the game. Big Brother Canada was never as willing to share footage as the US version but in the past, we had at least something a little more consistent. The best thing we had last season came in the form of “Digital Dailies,” which were not always daily but did have good stuff here and there.

Sure, there is another longstanding issue with this show in the way of rampant and egregious product place, but we have to be realistic here — Canadian shows just don’t have the same pool of viewers as they do here in the States. They have to do more things to offset the budget. It’s one of those things that you just have to get accustomed to over time.

Could there be returnees? What will the theme be for the season? There are obviously a lot of things that we still need to get answers to, and we certainly hope that we will at some point in the future.

What do you most want to see on Big Brother Canada 12 over on Global?

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