Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 3 video: Sam vs. Philippe
As you prepare to see Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 3 on AMC and AMC+ this weekend, one thing is clear. After plenty of hype and discussion, we are finally about to have a chance to be able to see the mysterious Philippe in the flesh!
So what do we know about this character already? It is rather complicated, starting with the fact that he does have a lengthy history of shady dealings. Also, he is apparently the biological father of Teresa, and he has a history with both Brigid from The Maltese Falcon as well as ties to Spade’s late wife Gabrielle. This is a guy who always seems to be up to some sort of trick, so just how linked was he to the recent murders at the convent? We don’t think it is some altogether crazy thing to be wondering about all of this already, and this is why Clive Owen’s character is asking some questions of him in a new video for what lies ahead!
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If you head over to TVLine, you can see a much larger preview for what lies ahead, one that does heavily indicate that Philippe is going to try to appear unfazed by some of Spade’s questions. He recognizes that in some ways, he does not have to tell him anything. After all, he has no legal authority in France, and the only person Philippe could technically worry about here is Patrice.
Is it possible that Philippe actually did kill some of the nuns, or hired someone else to do the trick? While we do think it is possible, at the same time we may be also looking at a situation here where it is a little too easy. This is a show that loves to make things a little more complicated and interesting.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Monsieur Spade now, including what else is coming up
What do you most want to see moving into Monsieur Spade season 1 episode 3 on AMC and AMC+?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.