The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live teaser: Who’s hungry?

The Walking Dead season 8 Rick and Michonne
Photo: AMC

We know that through a lot of the promotion so far for The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, one thing has stood out: Rick and Michonne. Their relationship is also the main marketing point of the new series and yet, we can’t forget about the walkers! What would the universe be without them?

Of course, we will be among the first to admit that we’ve gotten a little bit jaded over time about some of these zombies, mostly due to the fact that we’ve seen so many of them; also, it is few and far between when a major character gets killed by them, and we’re a little more used to it happening to some of the redshirts of the world. Is that ever going to change? Obviously, we don’t want it to with a show like this, given that we have such likable leads at the center of it.


If you head over to the official Instagram for AMC Networks now, you can at least see another teaser for The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live that puts the walkers back in the spotlight. Sure, it is short, but it’s still creepy and/or gross in all the ways that you would want. Shouldn’t that be the top priority for a series like this more than any other? We want to be freaked out a lot of the time!

In general, this is one of those shows where you absolutely need just about everything to land from start to finish, whether it be the walkers, the romance, or the overarching story that seems to involve some people who have been players in this universe for a while. This may easily be the most anticipated show in the franchise in years, and for a pretty darn good reason.

Related Be sure to get some more news entering The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, including a longer trailer

What do you most want to see moving into The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live on AMC?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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