True Detective: Night Country episode 2: Star talks ‘Corpsicle’

True Detective: Night Country (season 4)
Photo: HBO

Coming out of True Detective: Night Country episode 2, we wouldn’t be shocked at all if you were horrified. After all, a good chunk of this episode was spent around a ghastly tableau: Dead researchers, all bundled together. This was intentionally as unpleasant a sight as you are ever going to see.

Of course, we had the luxury of only being around the frozen bodies for a few minutes while watching the episode. For the actors, we imagined that this was a slightly different experience.

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So what did star Jodie Foster have to say about being around the (obviously fake) dead bodies for so many days shooting? Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, she had the following to say:

“We called it The Corpsicle.’ … The first day, you really can’t believe [what you’re seeing]. But by the next day, it’s just an old shoe, sitting off in the corner. We’re just hanging out, drinking coffee around the Corpsicle. After a while, it really didn’t mean much.”

We do tend to imagine that if you are an actor on a show like this, you do have to desensitize yourself to a sight like this over time. Otherwise, you’d probably be sick to your stomach being constantly around it.

The main priority entering episode 3

We tend to think that at this point, it’s pretty clear: Trying to track down Clark in whatever way that you can. We don’t think that it’s going to be an altogether easy thing to do and yet, he is the key to everything. All signs right now suggest that he is the origin of all of these corpses. There is a chance that things are more complicated than this, but we’ve seen the patterns of darkness in him now. We know just what he is capable of doing.

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What do you think we are going to see on True Detective: Night Country the rest of the way?

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