Criminal Record season 1 episode 4: Is the Errol, June secret safe?

As we anticipate the arrival of Criminal Record season 1 episode 3 over on Apple TV+ next week, why not talk further about Errol? He is obviously one of the most important characters this season, even if the amount of time on-screen for him has been somewhat limited.
At this point, Errol is the fulcrum of the entire story. He is the character who seems to have been wrongfully accused of murder, and June Lenker is going to be doing whatever she can in order to ensure that this ruling is overturned. However, there is also another wrinkle that we are left to think about here, and that is related to whether or not she can actually keep what she is doing under wraps. For the time being, there is no real confirmation of that.
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Through episode 3, June made the risky decision to visit Errol in prison, a way to better get an understanding of his innocence. We do think that there was a little bit of clarity shined on a few subjects, but she made some big risks to even be there. Daniel has eyes and ears everywhere, and she tried to even make up another reason for her to be at the prison so she wouldn’t be found out. That helped her lie to him when the two had a discussion close to the end of the episode.
Now, here is some of what you are left to wonder for now — does Daniel really believe her? Peter Capaldi’s character has proven himself to be extremely paranoid, among a million or so other things. Do not be surprised if over the course of the next new episode, we end up having a chance to see him sniff around and see what she was really doing at this particular place.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Criminal Record, including more all about what lies ahead
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.