Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight, 1/14/2024?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Photo: HBO

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? Given that we have the long-awaited premiere of True Detective, it may make some sense to want to get into that more or less immediately after the fact. Why not use one successful show to better highlight another?

Well, there is a chance that this could eventually happening, but it is not taking place as of right now. There is no new installment of Oliver’s late-night series on the air tonight, and you will most likely be waiting for a few more weeks to see it.

While HBO has yet to reveal a specific premiere date for the next chapter of the show, we do tend to think it is going to be around right about the time that the Super Bowl is over. We wouldn’t worry about anything all that much here, largely because there is no reason to at the moment.

Instead, just think about all the absolutely hilarious stuff that we are going to get entering the new season, as we tend to think that both Oliver and the writing staff are going to be quite busy. There are certainly a lot of stories out there in the world right now that are worthy of his attention. Beyond just that, did we mention that we’re in an election year? That is another key part of the equation right now that is probably going to influence a lot of what we see over time.

In the midst of the more timely content, be assured of this — we are still going to get some of those main segments that can be watched for weeks or months after the fact. This is something the series has been known for over the years. We do worry at times that there aren’t as many unique topics to cover but somehow, they always tend to find a way.

What do you think we are going to see on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver when it returns to HBO?

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