Power Book IV: Force season 3 filming: January hopes

Are you feeling excited already to see Power Book IV: Force season 3 over at Starz? If so, you are one of many!
The first thing that we can really do here, first and foremost, is start off by expressing a ton of gratitude that the Joseph Sikora series already has that renewal. By virtue of that, we’re really just sitting around and waiting for some more news about the future. There are so many cliffhangers that need to be addressed! Is Mireya dead? What about Claudia Flynn? When is production going to kick off here?
We’d love to sit here and say that the cast and crew are going to start rolling along this month, but that may be a tad premature. For starters, we’ve yet to hear any word about it. Also, we’re not sure that anyone really wants to start filming in the middle of a Chicago winter. How are you going to bundle up Tommy Egan in that? Our hope is that Power Book IV: Force will be back at it by at least the spring, and that would open the door for a premiere either in late 2024 or early 2025. It’s really too early to figure a lot of that out.
What we will at least say right now is quite simple: We just hope that the third season continues the fantastic trajectory that we saw the show on in season 2, which felt like a vast improvement from season 1. The world feels more fleshed-out and the characters are complicated and interesting. The violence and carnage is of course there, but there’s also a good bit of depth and heartbreak.
Here’s to hoping to more great news on the Force front in 2024 — and of course, we’ll be here to chat about it every single step of the way.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book IV: Force right now
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