The Way Home season 2 promo: Kat’s determination

Are you ready to see the premiere of The Way Home season 2 on Hallmark Channel in just a matter of weeks? There is a lot of exciting stuff ahead and at the same time, the same goes for some mysteries.
Of course, the biggest one we have to wonder about is something simple: What happened to Jacob? Is there a chance for Kat to bring him home? If you head over to the link here, you can see a new, short promo for what lies ahead that features Chyler Leigh’s character being all sorts of determined. It’s clear that she is not going to be okay until she finds a way to bring him back, whereas Alice is not going to be okay unless she’s able to look after Kat. This is a story about family (plus time travel), and of course family looks after one another!
Do we anticipate that there are going to be a lot of answers in the early going on The Way Home this season? Not so much, largely because of the fact that there’s a good chance that there are some things that will be saved until closer to the finale. Our feeling is that there will be a series of reveals that happen over time, and that the producers are not going to inundate you with a lot of stuff right away. The best advice that we can offer, at least for the time being, is to exercise some patience and trust in the writers’ plan.
Also, of course to watch the show live when it returns on Sunday, January 21. That is the best way to ensure that there is a season 3, and we’re certainly hoping for the best there already!
Related – Get a few more details right now when it comes to The Way Home and the season 2 premiere
What do you most want to see moving into The Way Home season 2 premiere on Hallmark Channel?
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