The Curse season 1 episode 8: Did Dougie curse Asher?

There are a few different takeaways from The Curse season 1 episode 8, but one of the biggest ones is simply this: Everyone continues to go down a darker and darker road.
Can we start here by just saying that Dougie may be one of the most miserable characters on television? At one point, he’s trying to tell Asher that he wants to be cursed to prove that it doesn’t mean anything; then, he’s begging Nala to do it, thinking that he in some ways deserves it and it can justify the misery that exists within his day-to-day life.
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Dougie spends most of the second half of this episode tormenting Asher, whether it be to make him more miserable or simply because he’s upset about being spurned for most of the time they’ve been filming together. He needles and needles Nathan Fielder’s character, and it is only close to the end that Asher fights back by bringing up the subject of Dougie’s late wife, whose passing was the most traumatic event he’s ever gone through.
After Asher leaves, Dougie utters the words “I curse you.” Was he just saying what he wanted Nala to say to him? Or, was he actually trying to curse Asher more?
No matter how you look at it, it’s easy to sense that Dougie could be heading down a road where he either does something terrible to himself or someone else. He’s completely miserable and his good with his work and nothing else. Meanwhile, he’s also drinking way too much and using his own breathalyzer to indicate that he’s okay enough to drive. All of this feels like a slippery slope, and that we’re heading to a really bad spot before the show ties things up.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next The Curse episode right now
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.