Evil season 4 premiere date: A new Paramount+ estimate

Are you ready to see Evil season 4 arrive over at Paramount+? If so, the good news is that you may not be forced to wait too much longer — at least, all things considered.
According to a report coming in right now from TVLine, the plan is to bring the Mike Colter – Katja Herbers series back on the air in early 2024, which makes some sense for a couple of reasons. Take, for starters, the fact that it has been off the air now for well over a year. Meanwhile, production on the season recently wrapped. (Technically, the majority of the series was shot before the start of the WGA strike, but they recently reconvened in order to finish things off.)
While there are a lot of finer details that will be uncovered over time this season, our hope is that we’re going to be diving head-first into some more truly weird and supernatural events. This show is at its best when it allows its viewers to ask some big questions, and we honestly don’t think there are any plans to shy away from that in the future. Why would there be? A big part of the fun here is going to be watching all the sort of twists and turns play out, and also trying to understand the motives for certain characters.
Our hope for now is that season 4 will launch in February or March. While it would be fantastic if the show is going to come back in January, it just feels like a little bit too early all things considered. Paramount+ wants to give themselves a chance to really promote this show, right? We sure hope so, given that a few weeks is really not enough time.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Evil right now, including more on what else is ahead
What are you the most excited to see right now when it comes to Evil season 4 over at Paramount+?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.