Magnum PI season 5: Why is there a two-episode finale?

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

What is NBC doing in regards to scheduling the Magnum PI season 5 finale the way that they have? We know that this question has been out there for a little while.

Finally, we do think that we’ve gotten an answer — it may be frustrating to a lot of the show’s fans, but it is an answer nonetheless.

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This week, the folks over at the aforementioned network confirmed that on Tuesday, January 10, there is going to be a One Chicago lineup airing that consists of the most-recent finales for the three shows. The strategy here is rather simple at present: Putting these shows on the air to ensure that viewers remember what happened leading into the Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, and Chicago PD premieres on January 17. These are shows that NBC is clearly invested in, so we can’t say that we’re shocked that they would cater heavily towards them.

Let’s be clear — we don’t blame the Chicago shows for getting this sort of treatment; rather, we just wish that NBC was doing the same here with Magnum PI. Back when the reporting first came out that this was going to be the final season, there was this talk that it was going to have a big push for the send-off. Where is that? Now, you could argue that this a way to make it so that the options are still open for a season 6 down the road — if the two-episode finale event on January 3 was billed heavily as the “series finale,” that could be more difficult. Still, we wish that there was a little more buzz around them.

As a matter of fact, let’s just put it in these terms: We’d love for there to at least be a promo for episode 20 to get people more excited for that story in particular. After all, most of the teases we’ve received so far suggest that there will be some measure of closure.

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Do you think we are going to see a two-episode finale at the end of Magnum PI season 5?

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