For All Mankind season 4 episode 8 run time: The epic journey

For All Mankind season 4
Photo: Apple TV+.

There’s a good chance that you know already that For All Mankind season 4 episode 8 is going to be hugely significant. At this point, how can it not be? It feels like we have a good sense now of what one of the biggest stories is going to be towards the end of this season, and how it puts Ed and Dev front and center. Is their asteroid plan really going to become a reality? On one level, it feels totally insane. Yet, it is fully feasible in a world that has made the impossible possible so many times before.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that everything will be put into action in episode 8, which carries with it the title of “Legacy.” Yet, we could still see some of the beginnings.

So, is a story that epic also going to lead to a pretty epic run time? It is a fair thing to wonder at present. However, it does not feel as though the show is looking to venture out of the ordinary here. The plan instead is for this For All Mankind installment to be at 51 minutes, which is longer than what we saw in episode 7; yet, this season in general has tried to pare down some of the stories a little bit. We haven’t see as many stories that venture far beyond the one-hour mark, but we are also not at the end of the season yet.

One of the things that is certainly on our mind entering the final episodes now is that massive possibility of death, but beyond just that, also the recognition that there is no season 5. Could we really be closing in on the final installments of the series? Personally, we don’t think so, but this is an era of cost-cutting with a number of streamers out there. By virtue of that, we tend to think it is rather foolish to come out there making a broad assumption about just about anything.

Related Be sure to get some more news on the next For All Mankind

What are you most excited to see entering For All Mankind season 4 episode 8?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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