Survivor 45 finale: Who won, Dee, Austin, or Jake?

Who won Survivor 45? Entering the finale, there was a part of us that felt like it was an almost rhetorical question in some ways. After all, Dee had played one of the most dominant games that we’ve ever seen and because of that, there was zero reason to think that she would lose if she made it there.
The moment that Julie refused to vote her out at final five, we got a good sense as to what was coming. Meanwhile, she won the final immunity challenge of the season. After Jake won the fire-making challenge versus Katurah, the two of them squared off against Jake in a final showdown for the grand prize.
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We honestly had a hard time imagining how this would be that competitive. Austin’s game largely consisted of finding advantages and also following along Dee’s lead. Jake, meanwhile, tried a lot of things and none of them worked. The only thing that he really had gone for him was winning that challenge!
The final Tribal Council showdown
We do think that Jake did a great job when it comes to speaking about his game, from his highs to his lows. He’s a lawyer! This is going to be his forte, but it’s hard for someone to have a strong case when a lot of their moves did not work. Still … he tried?
Winner aside, this was a fun Tribal of people who had a lot of enthusiasm. Also, Austin was an alternate? Since when does this show start to actually talk about it openly? Dee had a little bit of a rough start in this, but got better as it went along. It felt before the votes like she 100% had it.
The winner is…
Well, this was honestly really close! Dee and Austin each got three votes but in the end, Dee did enough and ran away with it.
What did you think overall about the events of the Survivor 45 finale?
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