Survivor 45 finale: Katurah Topps eliminated after firemaking

Even without going to the final Tribal Council on Survivor 45, we had already seen one hot mess right after the other. Jake tried to follow the lead of Katurah when it comes to take out Dee, but then she flipped on it! All of this led to Julie leaving in the final five and with that, Katurah being pretty vulnerable when it comes to the fire-making challenge.
Here’s what was so crazy about said challenge here. When Dee won the final immunity challenge, she decided immediately that she wanted Katurah in the fire-making challenge. Following that, she decided that she was going to bring Austin to the final three. That set up a showdown between and Jake — on paper, it seemed like Katurah actually had somewhat of an edge here. Why wouldn’t she since Jake was so bad while practicing it?
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Now, let’s go ahead and get to the showdown here. Katurah ended up losing to Jake, who became the second person to hilariously talk about how she is going to be an amazing lawyer. Jake finally had his win, and then Katurah reached the end of her journey on the show.
Will any of this matter?
We’ll get into the final Tribal Council later but on the surface, we do think that Dee has this in the bag. After all, she has played the most dominant game of the season and we’re not even sure that Austin has that much of an argument. The biggest thing that Jake does have on his side here is likability, but that probably is only going to go so far in this game. There is, after all, SO much that the jury looks at. (Hey, we do at least think that Jake secured a spot on a returning season, if he wants it.)
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Survivor 45, including what’s ahead next season
What do you think about Austin’s decision with fire-making on the Survivor 45 finale?
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