For All Mankind season 4 episode 6: The big Margo reveal!
One of the things that For All Mankind season 4 is doing a great job at right now is showing layers of turmoil no matter where you are. There is absolutely some chaos going on out on Mars, but the same goes back on Earth.
After all, over the course of this episode, Margo decided that no longer was she going to live in hiding. She delivered a message globally at the end of the episode confirming that she was alive and beyond just that, why she had defected to the Soviet Union. This came after an emotional conversation with Aleida where the latter felt immensely betrayed by her decision, plus everything that happened back at the end of season 3.
Are the ramifications of this going to be huge? We tend to think so, especially due in part to the message that Margo chose to hand out here. She’s got her own agenda clearly, and the same goes for where she is. All of this will be hard to shake.
Speaking of things that are hard to shake, what is Ed doing out on Mars? Well, he’s making it abundantly clear that he’s not going to sit up there and be quiet! Instead, he is already starting to fancy himself a revolutionary-of-sorts when it comes to telling the workings that Helios is setting out to screw them over in whatever way they can. With that, there are outcries and threats of Martian strike … so what will this lead to? In a lot of ways, this is something that the show has been building towards for a while this season. The same goes for Miles’ own operation, which is in part a function of him being sold something false when he signed up for this in the first place.
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.