A Murder at the End of the World episode 6: Brit Marling talks Lee

Now that we’ve had a chance to see A Murder at the End of the World episode 6, it is fair to say we’ve learned a lot about Lee Anderson.
So, what specifically matters for the sake of the case? Well, a lot is now clear as to why certain people were at the retreat in the first place. Andy was desperate to find out more about Zoomer, including his true parentage; meanwhile, Lee was looking for a way to escape. So much of her saw this as an opportunity to covertly flee Andy with her son, where they could start a new life separate from his anger and his horrific ways. Regardless of whether or not he’s a murderer (that remains to be seen), he certainly is not a good guy.
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So what does Brit Marling herself have to say about what we’ve learned about her character? Speaking to Rolling Stone, she summarized the backstory in the following way:
It’s one of the things that you don’t expect from Lee. It’s very easy in the beginning to cast her as a femme fatale or the dark and dangerous mysterious woman who’s probably manipulating everything behind the scenes. Then you come to see in Chapter Six that she has been doing a lot of things behind the scenes, but because you bring a lot of your unconscious bias of the femme fatale toward Lee, you haven’t been able to read any of the clues that were definitely there that she’s been acting suspicious because her family’s dealing with a lot of trauma and she’s been in an abusive situation. That was interesting for us to write about because I think a lot of times, we assume that domestic violence situations only exist in certain kinds of homes — whatever that even means — or against certain kinds of women. And often very strong, smart, forthright, and competent women can find themselves in abusive and intimidating situations with their partners.
Will Lee get away? Will Darby Hart help her? These are the questions left for the finale and at present, it does not feel as though anything can be assured — yet, we are very-much excited for whatever could be presented the rest of the way.
Related – Learn more now about A Murder at the End of the World entering the finale
What did you think about all the Lee Anderson reveals on A Murder at the End of the World episode 6?
How do you think it sets up the finale? Be sure to share now! Also, remember to keep coming back for other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.