The Gilded Age season 2 episode 8 (finale) promo: Agnes ruined?

Next week on HBO, you are going to have a chance to see The Gilded Age season 2 episode 8, the all-important finale is here! Are you ready for what lies ahead here?
Well, for starters, remember what Agnes learned at the end of episode 7 — her financial future may be completely torn apart. We know how important money is for all of these characters, as it is a significant sign of their social standing. Confidence has also been a huge attribute of Christine Baranski’s character, so how is she going to move forward without it?
To think, all of this is happening at the same time that Ada has lost her new husband Luke; we’ve got a pretty clear sense of just how much painful stuff is going on within the world at this point.
So what else is happening within this episode? Judging from the promo for what lies ahead here, it seems as though we’re going to be seeing Bertha find herself backstabbed via the Duke as the great opera war continues. In the end, we do think that we are going to see things built towards some sort of shocking conclusion — but what will it be? We know how much Bertha cares about “winning” this war, but how serious is it really?
The funniest thing about the show at the moment is just how insane this entire opera story is, and just how invested we are in it at the same exact time. It is our hope that things are resolved by the end of the season, though, mostly because there’s a chance to venture off to some other sort of super-crazy stuff in a potential season 3. (A season 3 has not been ordered as of yet, but we remain hopeful.)
What do you most want to see moving into The Gilded Age season 2 episode 8?
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