The Curse season 1 episode 6: Nathan Fielder talks Asher

Now that we are at the halfway point on The Curse season 1, isn’t there so much more to be excited for? We know these characters better! Or, at the very least, we know how they are projecting themselves to others in the outside world.
Asher (Nathan Fielder) and Whitney (Emma Stone) want nothing more than to come across as good people. Are they really, though? That’s up for debate. The biggest thing that they each clearly care about is their image, and trying to make sure that they can be these “heroes” to the New Mexico community while also profiting in their own way down the road.
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In speaking on this subject further to IndieWire, here is some of what Fielder had to say:
“They’re projecting things that may or may not exist onto everyone around them, and everyone is sort of doing that to each other. That idea of what’s actually real or what matters in a situation is a lot of what the show is exploring and reveling in. Because it’s easy to sort of go, ‘Oh, well this person’s good or bad,’ or ‘This is real or fake.’ But in a lot of these situations, it’s so much more complicated than that.”
Entering episode 6, our feeling is that both characters are trying to find some reassurance as a way to cover up their own insecurities. Remember for a moment here that Asher feels unloved by his wife, and Whitney feels like she has to constantly overcompensate because of her parents. It is easier to try and project themselves as heroes than facing some actual truth. We’re not sure how many characters on this show are being honest with themselves … if anyone really is.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on The Curse, including more of what lies ahead
What do you think we are going to see from Asher and Whitney through the rest of The Curse season 1?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.