The Gilded Age season 2 episode 7: What should be resolved?
As we get prepared to see The Gilded Age season 2 episode 7, there are a few different things worth noting. Obviously, this is the penultimate episode of the season, and whatever happens here is sure to carry over directly into the finale after the fact. We know in particular that Marian’s storyline could contain a few twists and turns.
Is there at least one story that needs to be resolved sooner rather than later? It pains us to say this, but we do think we need to start seeing the wheels come to a halt when it comes to the opera storyline.
Let’s just frame it like this — how much longer are we going to see this drawn out? It has produced countless great moments, in particular for Bertha. However, at the same time it is clear that all good things must come to an end, and the same can be said for this right now. We’re reaching a natural conclusion to this story and we don’t need to see a potential season 3 themed all around it.
At this point, the meaning behind the opera storyline feels pretty darn clear — this is really all about the sort of influence that rests within these sort of social institutions. Money is not the only way that you hold power within this world and the Russell family knows it.
Will almost every story be resolved by the finale?
To some extent, we tend to think yes given that this is not the sort of show that really tends to tie up a lot of loose ends, with the same being said for Julian Fellowes’ prior series in Downton Abbey. Just go ahead and remember that there is always still a chance for a season 3, no matter how things end here.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on The Gilded Age right now, including other updates
What do you most want to see moving into The Gilded Age season 2 episode 7 on HBO?
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