The Way Home season 2 promo: Dive into the pond!

Are you ready to see The Way Home season 2 arrive on Hallmark Channel in January? We certainly are, and the latest preview gives you a lot to be excited about!
If you head over to the link here, you can see a small new preview that gives you another good reminder of what lies ahead here. First and foremost, the story is going to be all about what happened to Jacob. given that this was the cliffhanger at the end of the first part of the season, can you be that surprised? Kat and Alice dive into the pond, and the latter seems more eager than anyone to take one additional trip.
One of the things that The Way Home does do is show that there are some benefits that can come at times from time travel, especially when it comes to understanding each other and building greater bonds. However, there can also be some major problems that come along with it as well, and we will see some of those explored throughout the upcoming episodes in equal measure.
Obviously, we know that there are some dangers that will present themselves almost immediately throughout season 2 for Chyler Leigh’s character, but seeing some of those explored is going to be a big part of the fun here! This show is smart, imaginative, and above all else, it takes risks! There’s really not anything more that we could ask for when it comes to a series like this on the Hallmark Channel, which typically has a pretty specific form in which they choose to tell some of its stories. This is different, and absolutely that is a big part of the fun.
Now, we just have to wait a while longer to see everything that lies ahead.
Related – Be sure to get some more discussion on The Way Home season 2 right now
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