Quantum Leap season 2 spoilers: Raymond Lee on Ben, Addison

Quantum Leap season 2
Photo: NBC

As we get further and further into Quantum Leap season 2 on NBC, doesn’t it feel inevitable that we will see more of Ben and Addison together? It is hard to avoid it!

We do recognize that, for the time being, Ben is doing just about whatever he can to avoid it, and we also get the reasoning why here all things considered. For the time being, his primary objective seems to be healing and it is hard to do that when the woman he loved is around him all the time. She moved on — and not for any sort of negative reason, as she thought he was dead for years and wanted to take a step forward. Now, she’s with Tom and everything is complicated. (Is Ben with Hannah? They kissed, but that situation is borderline impossible since they live in different eras.)

Speaking to TV Insider, Raymond Lee suggested that it is still possible that Addison and Ben could be around each other again soon, though it may take a specific set of circumstances in order for that to happen:

“I don’t know that he’s ready to see Addison as his hologram just yet, but he’s also a big-picture guy. So if she needs to be there for a certain leap to be completed, I’m sure that that would be a very interesting thing to see play out.”

Doesn’t it feel like it has to happen again at some point? We tend to think so, but along the way we’re going to have a chance to also continue to see Ben collaborate with some other people on the leaps. There was a recent one with him and Magic, and he just had to spend a lot of time with Tom. Moving into the next episode, he will be diving into the world of the Salem Witch Trials — who knows what he is up against there?

Related – Get even more news on Quantum Leap season 2 and the path ahead this season

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