For All Mankind season 4 episode 3 preview: Kelly the catalyst?

For All Mankind season 4
Photo: Apple TV+.

As we start to look ahead towards For All Mankind season 4 episode 3 on Apple TV+, are the best stories back on Earth as opposed to Mars? That’s a crazy thing to consider but on some level, it actually does feel possible!

After all, let’s take a moment here to further consider the idea for Kelly and Aleida. These two characters seem to be moving towards an idea of working together, especially since Kelly’s years’ worth of research was sidelined as NASA focuses elsewhere. Leaving the organization was never something on Kelly’s radar, but this story does prove further the privatization of space and how that could end up being the path to the future.

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Are Aleida and Kelly going to have a chance to find some success elsewhere? We do tend to think so, and for a number of different reasons. After all, we’re talking here about two people who are each well-known for their experiences around the space program. With that comes instant credibility. Also, we tend to think that in the private sector, there are going to be a lot of super-wealthy people who want nothing more than to have research like this on their side. Everyone out there loves to think that they can make history or be a part of it; this is the opportunity!

Of course, one of the big remaining questions here is whether or not we’re going to see these two women work together well long-term. They don’t actually have that much direct history so while they may have good ideas, how can you guarantee that they will flourish into anything more? The simple answer was that you can’t.

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What do you most want to see moving into For All Mankind season 4 episode 3?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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