The Amazing Race 35 episode 8: Morgan & Lena eliminated

On tonight’s The Amazing Race 35 episode 8, we had a chance to see the first ever trip to Slovenia. Also, that led to some big changes to the race.
Wasn’t it shocking to see Steve & Anna Leigh in danger? This is a team that has done extremely well and yet, close to the end of the leg they were actually in real danger. One of the biggest issues that almost everyone had this leg was navigation, given that you have that language barrier and not a lot familiar places. Even getting to the Pit Stop, the struggle was real.
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Honestly, this started to feel like one of those situations where almost anyone could go home and yet, at the same time, also like we were building towards a non-elimination based on how little information we we were getting at the end of the episode.
Greg & John ended up finishing at the top of the pack again so at this point, isn’t it clear that they are the favorites to win this thing beyond the shadow of a doubt? There are some other competitors as well, but it may take a slip-up from them to have a chance to advance forward. Rob & Corey do at least have an advantage coming up via the Express Pass.
At the bottom of the pack…
It really was a race between Steve & Anna Leigh and then Morgan & Lena, who both struggled to find the Pit Stop at Dragon Bridge — which isn’t just a location in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Steve & Anna Leigh managed to pull through and sixth place, and there was some bad news for Morgan & Lena. They have finished in last and despite looking solid here and there, bad directions and getting lost at the end meant their time on the Race is over.
Related – Take a look ahead at the next episode!
What did you think about the events of The Amazing Race 35 episode 8?
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