Bosch: Legacy season 3 spoilers: Show EP on planning ahead

Bosch: Legacy season 2
Photo: Freevee

As we look towards a Bosch: Legacy season 3 down the road, there are a number of things to be excited about. Take that big cliffhanger with Preston Borders, or the fact that Honey Chandler is now running for District Attorney.

Above all else, though, let’s just rejoice in the fact that we and the creative team knew in advance that there is more of this show coming, especially since this is a luxury not a lot of series out there have. Basically, it allowed them more of an opportunity to create cliffhangers to keep people excited down the road.

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Speaking on this subject further in a new interview with Collider, here is some of what executive producer Tom Bernardo had to say:

“Oh, [the ability to plan ahead] an enormous amount of faith, and it’s a great gift that we never take for granted, that we try to honor … From a storytelling standpoint, knowing that you’re gonna have real estate to build these stories and that you can naturally build up to certain moments, like for example, at the end of Season 2 , when Chandler is announcing that she’s going to run for DA, we discussed it during the season, but it lent itself to where that character was going, and it gave us an opportunity to evolve the show and put her in a new world.”

Now that the SAG-AFTRA strike is over, our hope is that season 3 of Bosch: Legacy is going to be filming at some point early next year. That will allow us a better chance to see it back on Freevee when we get around to next fall. Of course, nothing is confirmed on a start date; in the end, it is mostly just up to whatever the folks at Freevee want.

Related Want to get some more news on Honey Chandler’s story for Bosch: Legacy season 3?

How do you think we’re going to see things play out on Bosch: Legacy season 3 following the big finale?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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