For all Mankind season 4 episode 2: Is Danielle in space?

For All Mankind season 4
Photo: Apple TV+.

As you prepare to see For all Mankind season 4 episode 2 over on Apple TV+ later this week, why not discuss Danielle?

After all, the first thing to remember here is what happened to this character at the end of the premiere. She had stepped away from NASA and the space race and yet, now finds herself in a situation where she could be called back in. That is something that could be a significant part of her journey moving forward — what does she have to prove in coming back, and just how long could she stay up there?

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Based on what we have seen so far, it does at least seem like we’re going to see Danielle back away from Earth again. After all, there is an image of the character alongside Ed, who we know has been gone a really long time and, honestly, we’re not sure he ever wants to come back. After everything that he’s gone through with Shane and Karen, plus the Danny debacle, he may view himself on some level cursed. That could be a really difficult thing for him to shake, so we’ll have to wait and see if he really can.

Still, getting a chance to see Ed and Danielle back around each other is a pretty welcome sight to us, especially since these characters do have so much that they can share with each other and such a deep history. It hasn’t always been gone, though, especially when you think about one tense conversation between the two in season 3. This is one of the reasons why we don’t want to make any broad assumptions about what is coming. We just know that the two could prove to be rather important when it comes to restabilizing Mars, especially after Grigory’s death.

Related Be sure to get some more news on For all Mankind and what you can expect moving forward

What do you think we’ll see from For all Mankind season 4 episode 2 and beyond?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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