Bachelor in Paradise 9 episode 8 spoilers: Changes for Olivia?

As we do prepare ourselves to see Bachelor in Paradise 9 episode 8 over on ABC next week, how much are things about to change?
Well, on paper we’d easily understand if someone wants to make the argument that from here on out, almost everything is irrelevant. After all, remember that relationships are often hard to form this late in the season. Yet, could Michael’s arrival actually do something to turn things around here for at least one person? He’s not the only person turning up, either, and there are chances at a lasting bond for at least a few different people.
Want to know a little bit more? Well, go ahead and check out the full Bachelor in Paradise 9 episode 8 synopsis below:
Michael’s arrival signals a potential change in the tides for Olivia, and a new wave of arrivals is ready to turn on the charm and turn up the heat in Paradise. Later, Blake’s former flame Katie Thurston arrives, shocking everyone and leaving the group to wonder what her intentions are as the beach erupts in chaos prior to the rose ceremony.
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We don’t know if Katie’s intentions really are anything other than to just add a little more spice into the mix. After all, we’ve never gotten the sense that she was meant to be some sort of full-time addition to the show, especially when you remember that she’s on another show already in FBoy Island. There is only so much reality TV dating that someone can do over a few months here! We do at least think she may cause Blake to be a bit more reflective, but we’ll have to wait and see if it actually changes anything when it comes to the present.
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Based on these details, what do you think we’re going to see on Bachelor in Paradise 9 episode 8?
Share right away in the comments! Also, remember to come back around if you do want to score some other updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.