Power Book IV: Force season 2 finale: Is Mireya dead?

Following the events of the Power Book IV: Force season 2 finale, we understand if you’ve go questions aplenty. Take, for starters, Mireya’s fate. Is she alive? Did Miguel actually take out his own sister?
Well, judging from the end of the episode, Miguel has her phone and he promised Tommy that he’d never see her again. Now, that’s not confirmation that she is gone so in that sense, there is a chance that she could still be out there. Consider that something to look forward to?
If there is one thing that we can say as some potential beacon of hope here, it is this: We’re not sure that the Power Book IV: Force producers want to do the same thing that we’ve seen time and time again. By that, we mean basically an instance of a Tommy love interest being killed. That happened with Holly, and that’s without even thinking about what happened with LaKeisha. Now, we are in a spot here where we have to sit around and wait to see if we’re getting a season 3 … and we certainly want one after what we got tonight.
While Mireya may only be a one-season character at this point, she made an impression and she allowed Joseph Sikora’s character to open up in a way that we haven’t seen him be in a rather long time. The best thing about Tommy is that he evolves, even if he does still maintain at the same time a lot of the other traits that we’ve come to know and love from him over the years.
Is finding Mireya that main premise of season 3?
There’s a chance that it could be a premise, but we tend to think that the situation here is a lot more complicated than that. After all, the show left a lot of loose ends here!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Power Book IV: Force season 3 — is it about to be renewed?
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