Big Brother 25 finale: Did Matt Klotz or Jag Bains win?

Entering tonight’s Big Brother 25 finale, we’ll be the first to admit that there was one scenario in particular we were expecting. What is it? Well, there is no real need to complicate things here — a showdown between Matt Klotz and Jag Bains.
After all, for the bulk of the season now these two have discussed going to the final two together — almost as a show of their loyalty to each other and that it is the “right” thing to do. Of course, we’re looking at this from a place of frustration, given that these two easily have a better chance of winning if they eliminate the other person and with that, go to the final two with Bowie Jane — who probably won’t get a single vote thanks to her pretty terrible social game.
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We’ll admit that personally, we thought that Jag was the better player most of the way through. While he did get evicted, he also played a far more proactive game for most of the season, making moves and taking risks. Matt was more of a follower than a leader, and he didn’t get what he wanted the majority of the time. Even on his Head of Household reign, the person he didn’t want to leave in Cirie did. He had better relationships with the jurors, though, which is why we thought personally that he was going to end up being the winner.
Then again, we know that this show does have a tendency to surprise us here and there…
The final two
In the end, it was Matt versus Jag after Jag won the final Head of Household. Jag was a little cocky in his answers, but he steamrolled Matt through a lot of them.
The winner
Jag! This was a 5-2 decision, with Matt getting votes from Cirie and Felicia.
Who were you rooting for to win the Big Brother 25 finale out of the final three?
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