Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The last morning (day 100)

It is now time for a sentence we’ve never composed: It is day 100 in the Big Brother house. What a long, insane season this has been! Yet, today is the last opportunity to see the feeds until whatever is next with this franchise, “holiday surprise” or otherwise.
So what can we say at this point? Well, Matt may very well have the game in the bag, but it depends a lot on what happens with the jury and their perception of the game. Jag has clearly been the better strategic player and yet, Matt has the better social game. Our argument at this point is that Jag deserves to win, given that he has actively played, whereas the other finalists are far more passive in the end.
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It does feel like a sure thing at this point that Jag and Matt are taking each other to the end based on what we’ve seen. Bowie Jane DID speak to both of them yesterday and made a feeble attempt at campaigning, but they both relayed the comments she made to the other person. Unless we are genuinely surprised by the end result here, we do think that they are taking each other to the end and that’s going to be the way that things roll.
Will there be any other surprises today? Most likely no, but we are still excited to watch how things unfold. It’s hard not to! This has been a crazy season and of course, we are looking towards it being a pretty crazy conclusion. The only thing we want is for it to not be predictable in some form.
Related – Go ahead and get some additional Big Brother 25 finale coverage right now
Do you think there will be anything of substance on the Big Brother 25 live feeds today?
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