Magnum PI season 5: A new Magnum, Higgins story tease

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

Given that there is no new Magnum PI season 5 episode on NBC this week, we are left to look more ahead at the future. Luckily, we are happy to at least share that there are some good things coming, based at least on some of the information we’ve got.

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So what can we say about the future for Magnum and Higgins? Well, it seems like they have a fun, romantic story coming up! According to a new report from TVLine, episode 17 (most likely airing in early December based on the current schedule — it’s always subject to change) will feature Jay Hernandez and Perdita Weeks’ characters spending some time apart. Why? It’s not for some altogether controversial reason. Instead, this is simply a function of Juliet wondering if she and her boyfriend spend a little too much time together; with that, they take on separate cases. Apparently, all of this is going to lead to a Miggy scene that will make a lot of ‘shippers pretty happy.

Also, in this same episode you are going to see more of Jin, who has already made one appearance in the second half of the season.

Of course, it goes without saying that we’re going to be seeing a lot of different stories for Magnum and Higgins before this season ends. They’ve already discussed parenting, and of course we’d love to see a larger commitment before the two eventually. Does it have to happen for us to believe they’ll be happy forever? Not so much, but of course it’s a fun thing to think about for the time being.

Just remember that, at least for now, there are five more episodes still to come in season 5 … and we’ll keep crossing our fingers and hoping that a season 6 can happen.

Related Be sure to get some other information on Magnum PI now, including other discussion on the hiatus and how to support the show

What do you most want to see moving further into Magnum PI season 5 with Magnum and Higgins?

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