Magnum PI season 5 episode 16: What to do amidst hiatus

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

As some of you may know already, we are going to be waiting a little while longer to see Magnum PI season 5 episode 16 on NBC. Because of a Presidential Debate that is taking place on Wednesday, we will unfortunately be stuck waiting until we get around to November 15.

Will the show be worth the wait? We absolutely think so, and for so many different reasons. The Jay Hernandez – Perdita Weeks has managed to bring a lot of great stuff to the table so far this season, and we know that episode 16 will feature new challenges, including with TC’s romantic life and also the debut of Patrick Fabian (Better Call Saul) in a recurring role.

So what can you do during this hiatus in order to help the show out? Well, we tend to think that this is going to be all about working in order to spread the word. Sure, we have heard at present that the studios are not shopping Magnum PI elsewhere for a season 6, but that could change down the road. Or, it is still very well possible that NBC could change their mind. The live+same-day ratings remain solid, and that is without factoring in DVR or streaming numbers. The fifth season is currently streaming on Peacock, and every view there does help the show’s future.

What about viewership of the first four seasons over at Freevee? Let’s make it clear that these matter, as well. Given that NBCUniversal has partial ownership of the show, they generate revenue every time the series is watched anywhere. That could cause them to either rethink the NBC decision, or at least consider shopping it elsewhere (is Freevee a candidate?) as we move forward.

Let’s just put things in the following terms for a moment — even when there is no Magnum PI on the air, there are always still things to discuss! That will be the way throughout this somewhat-scattershot season for the show.

Related Be sure to get some more news now on Magnum PI, including what the schedule ahead looks like

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