Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Did Jag change his mind?

For the past few hours, we have prepared for tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode with the thinking that Jag would make the big move. After all, he has spent most of the past 36 hours weighing the pros and cons of keeping versus evicting Matt, and he seemed ready to send him out.
So what’s changed? Well, he just told Bowie Jane a handful of minutes ago that he is keeping Matt and sending out Felicia, and it does lead to a lot of questions as to what happened.
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The trickiest thing about this particular situation is that whatever explanation exists here comes from something that happened off-feeds. Jag was in the Diary Room for a long time, so it certainly is possible that he flip-flopped while in there. He also had some sort of discussion with Matt when the feeds were down.
Ultimately, this is about guilt more so than winning the game — he obviously doesn’t feel like he can, in good conscience, get rid of the guy who kept him in the game earlier this season thanks to a twist. It would’ve been something that potentially won him the game and technically, he could still get that title of champ. However, he may have to evict Matt at final three in order to get it. If he goes to the end with Matt at this point, Matt’s got a good case to win.
In the end, we’ll just have to see what happens over the next few days as we determine whether or not this is the right move. We just have a much harder time thinking that Felicia could win that final HoH than Matt.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25 right now, including more from the live feeds
What do you most want to see on Big Brother 25 tonight, and do you think Jag has figured this out?
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