Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Final four Veto preview

We don’t think that we really have to say this, but the final four Veto is essential to the game of Big Brother 25. Whatever happens today will radically set the stage for the endgame.
So why are we getting this Veto so soon after nominations? It is because there is a special eviction happening on Sunday, and from there, the final three will start to prepare for the end of the season. There’s a LOT that is coming within the final days.
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First and foremost, let’s start off here by noting that Bowie Jane is the Head of Household, but that doesn’t matter much other than that she is safe. That was going to be the case anyway, given that she’s really not a target at this point. Either Jag, Matt, or Felicia will be evicted this weekend. Final four Vetoes typically are something with both a physical and mental component to it, and knowledge of the season matters to the extreme. Felicia is facing an uphill battle here. (For those wondering, the Veto is currently underway.)
As for what will happen depending on the winner, conventional wisdom suggests that Felicia will be evicted in fourth place. However, if Matt or Jag win, there is a possible case that they will target the other person and try to secure an easier road to final two, one where they likely evict Felicia in third. Bowie is just an easy person to take to the end since other than her HoH wins, she really doesn’t have much of a resume. Felicia is dangerous in that she’s likable, caring, and also has a great backstory. Being able to last this long as the oldest person on the season is incredible.
Related – Have you heard the news that AFP voting is already underway for Big Brother 25?
Who do you want to see win the final four Veto on Big Brother 25?
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