Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Halloween wigs & scheming

We have now made it to Halloween night in the Big Brother 25 house, so what are we seeing now in the house?
Let’s take a moment here first to address the house getting in the holiday spirit, much as it is. Production gave them all the weirdest costumes ever, which were incredibly generic save for some brightly-colored wigs. The most entertainment that came from this was seeing Felicia sport a bright red bob for a little while. There were also some pumpkins put in the house for them to carve, and they did a lot of that while the feeds were down for a short period of time.
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In the aftermath of the party, the scheming of course resumed with Felicia and Cirie having a venting frustration, mostly about Jag. They speculated if he was intentionally getting Matt’s confidence level down, despite him being an Olympian and capable of winning anything and everything. Also, they didn’t want to give Jag much credit for taking out a lot of competitors so that he could beat older players in largely-physical competitions. (We still think the biggest anti-Jag argument right now is that he was already evicted and saved via a twist, but that’s just us.)
We know that Cirie is still leaving the game on Thursday, and we are assuming that she’ll get confirmation from some of the other players right before it happens.
Waxing poetic
As frustrating as the late part of this season has been, there are some things that we’ll miss. Felicia’s been a total mess game-wise at times, but she’s incredibly entertaining in between her laugh and her conversations with production a.k.a. “Mr. B.” It’s almost weird to think that in just a couple of weeks, that will be gone when it feels like this season has lasted for years on end.
Related – Be sure to get some other updates on Big Brother 25, including some campaigns
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