The Amazing Race 35 episode 6 sneak peek: A Detour preview!

As we prepare to see The Amazing Race 35 episode 6 on CBS later this week, we know a little about the central story. There is a U-Turn coming where one team is going to be hit with it after an anonymous vote, meaning that they will have to complete both parts of the challenge.
Who is the right team to go after? Well, we tend to think that this is a worthy subject for debate and it will depend heavily on precisely what you determine to be a threat. Personally, we’d go after someone who has been steady at the front of the pack, even if they haven’t won a specific leg.
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Based on the sneak previews that we’ve got for this episode, it does feel like both parts of the Detour will be physical, but there is a chance for teams to come back even if the Detour makes them fall behind. After all, some teams could exhaust quickly doing this, and beyond that, there is also a chance that others could get lost on the busy streets if Jaipur.
If there is one major criticism that we have of the tasks, it is seeing yet another sequence of events featuring a rickshaw in the busy streets of India. The Amazing Race as a franchise has visited the country so many times that a lot of challenges tend to blend together. Of course, we understand why it is appealing to producers, given the fact that it is a massive country with a big population and a number of cities that they can visit. Also, very little in the way of political strife that would make filming there challenging.
For now, we just hope that there’s a surprising end to this episode, and that the race remains as fun and competitive as it has been all season.
Related – Want to get more insight entering this episode?
Who are you rooting for at the moment as we prepare for The Amazing Race 35 episode 6 on CBS Wednesday night?
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